Cantante: Madcon
My heart, it beats to your song
A melody sent from God
I can’t breathe when you’re gone
Yes I’m deeply in love (Be my valentine)
Every single day of my life (My heart is sacrificed)
Night and day, day and night
Today’s the day (Tonight’s the night)
I know you feelin’ my sound (I’m a make you clap)
‘Cause todays the day (Tonight’s the night)
I’m a lay it down (I’m a lay it down)
I’m a get up so I can’t get down (I’m a)
Hear me roar, hear my thunder sound (I’m a, I’m a)
I’m the lord of the underground (I’m a, I’m a)
Part of the jungle (I’m a, I’m a, I’m a, I’m a)
Let’s glow (Hands high, hands high)
I can’t wait, I can’t wait to see ya
Glow (Hands high, hands high)
Round the world, round the world my people
Glow, glow (Hands high, hands high)
I can’t wait, I can’t wait to see ya
Glow, (Hands high, hands high)
Round the world, round the world my people, glow
Let us share this moment,
Let’s enjoy this night,
Get the world connected,
Though you one of a kind,
See we try to reach out,
Get the world to see,
Though we all feel different,
You are just like me,
Today’s the day (Tonight’s the night)
I know you feelin’ my sound (I’m a make you clap)
‘Cause todays the day (Tonight’s the night)
I’m a lay it down (I’m a lay it down)
I’m a get up so I can’t get down (I’m a)
Hear me roar, hear my thunder sound (I’m a, I’m a)
I’m the lord of the underground (I’m a, I’m a)
Part of the jungle (I’m a, I’m a, I’m a, I’m a)
Let’s glow (Hands high, hands high)
I can’t wait, I can’t wait to see ya
Glow (Hands high, hands high)
Round the world, round the world my people
Glow, glow (Hands high, hands high)
I can’t wait, I can’t wait to see ya
Glow, (Hands high, hands high)
Round the world, round the world my people, glow
We free, and you so light
Let me see you glow throughout the night,
‘Cause I wanna dance (dance, dance)
Yes I wanna dance, (dance) tonight!
Now put your hands high, hands high!
All the people like this go
Hands high, hands high!
And I’m telling you wave your
Hands high, hands high!
All around the world, put your
Hands high!
Just put your hands high!
I’m a, I’m a, I’m a, I’m a
Let’s glow (Hands high, hands high)
I can’t wait, I can’t wait to see ya
Glow (Hands high, hands high)
Round the world, round the world my people
Glow, glow (Hands high, hands high)
I can’t wait, I can’t wait to see ya
Glow, (Hands high, hands high)
Round the world, round the world my people, glow
Let’s glow (Hands high, hands high)
I can’t wait, I can’t wait to see ya
Round the world, round the world my people
Glow, glow (Hands high, hands high)
I can’t wait, I can’t wait to see ya
Round the world, Round the world my people, glow
Let’s glow (Hands high, hands high)
I can’t wait, I can’t wait to see ya (I’ll be there)
Round the world, round the world my people
Glow, glow (Hands high, hands high)
I can’t wait, I can’t wait to see ya
Round the world, round the world my people, glow
Hands high! Hands high, jump!
Hands high! Hands high, jump!
Hands high! Hands high, jump!
Hands high! Hands high, jump!
Ci sono tanti motivi per cui amo questa canzone. La musica, sicuramente; è costruita su un ritmo semplice, ripetibile, riempita da parole senza un preciso significato che vanno bene in qualsiasi occasione.
La vera ragione è il flash mob dell’Eurovision Song del 2010, uno spettacolo bellissimo che ha interessato tutta l’Europa, ma proprio tutta, ad eccezione dell’Italia. Te’ pareva.
Nei vari spezzoni ripresi nelle singole nazioni europee, c’è di tutto: la massa uniforme di un concerto a Dusseldorf, ragazzini festanti su una collina di Reyikjavik, l’incontro sui ponti di Lubliana; l’invasione di giovani nel viale principale di Vilnius; il ballo in solitaria di uno su un isolotto del Mare del Nord; c’è anche la famigliola festante in un angolo sperduto della Croazia o della Bielorussia. Le stesse scene le ritroviamo in Spagna a L’Alfas del Pi, a Londra, a Dublino, a Gothenburg, a Malta, nell’Azerbaijan, in Francia e addirittura in Russia. E così via comprendendo tutte le nazioni europee comprese Turchia e Israele.
Insomma un ballo corale, esaltato dai singoli in un’unica reppresentazione che viene ripetuta e trasmessa in mondovisione come un gioioso esperimento sociale.
E poi mi piaciono molto i due presentatori all’inizio, quando dicono We have an amazing audience. Are you the best ever looking audience in history. Let me ear you as loud as you. Very goot And now be quiet. Are you ready to dance? Ma certo che sono prontissimo a ballare, e con me tutta l’Europa.
Che poi questa canzone l’abbia cantata un duo svedese di negri poco importa. Bellissima.