Fretless or restless in anger


Da sempre ti penso come in quel ritratto dela fotografia: rannicchiato e le mani al volto.

Eri nel paesino della Murcia tra il caldo afoso e torrido di certe estati, note soltanto a te, con il vento che ti alita, secco e insidioso.

Le memorie si spargono e si srotolano fermandosi poco più in là perché non riesci ad andare oltre e con lo sguardo a terra fai uno sforzo per ricordare il più possibile della piccola casa di infanzia, il cui giardino lambiva le ferrovie dell’AVE.

Ti rendi conto solo in quei momenti che le dita fanno male perché troppo spesso premute contro i frets della chitarra poco malleabile.

E ti monta la rabbia agitata e confusa, come uno sbuffo più sostanzioso di quel vento irrequieto. Schiacci ancor di più i polpastrelli contro i piccoli rilievi ma duri e insormontabili.

Il suono è stonato, incompleto. Una mezza vibrazione di un accordo venuto male.

Ecco come ti senti sotto il cielo della Murcia.

Fretless – R. E. M.

He’s got his work and she comes easy
They each come around when the other is gone
Me, I think I got stuck somewhere in between
I wouldn’t confide in the Prodigal Son
The die has been cast, the battle is won
The bullets were blanks, a double aught gun
I couldn’t admit to a minute of fun They come and they come and they come and they come
I accepted with a gentle tongue
No words spoken, no need to speak Take it, stomp twice, ring the bell
Tether that ring and phrase
Enough with the rifle and talk already
We all know what it means
Take this conversation to your great divide
I can only swallow what I ate
And I don’t hate him
And I don’t hate her They come and they come and they come and they come
I accepted with a gentle tongue
No heart broken, no need to speak Don’t talk to me about being alone
(Don’t talk to me)
Don’t talk to me about being alone
(Don’t talk to me)
Don’t talk to me about being alone Reach for each other before you leave
Reach peace with a E-A-see
Don’t threaten me with a gentle tease
Don’t threaten me with angry
Please, please, please
Don’t try to tell me what I am Don’t talk to me
(Talk to me)
Don’t talk to me

He’s got his work and she comes easy
They each come around when the other is gone
Me, I think I got stuck somewhere in between
I wouldn’t confide in the Prodigal Son
The die has been cast, the battle is won
The bullets were blanks, a double aught gun
I couldn’t admit to a minute of fun
They come and they come and they come and they come
I accepted with a gentle tongue
No words spoken, no need to speak
Take it, stomp twice, ring the bell
Tether that ring and phrase
Enough with the rifle and talk already
We all know what it means
Take this conversation to your great divide
I can only swallow what I ate
And I don’t hate him
And I don’t hate her
They come and they come and they come and they come
I accepted with a gentle tongue
No heart broken, no need to speak
Don’t talk to me about being alone
(Don’t talk to me)
Don’t talk to me about being alone
(Don’t talk to me)
Don’t talk to me about being alone
Reach for each other before you leave
Reach peace with a E-A-see
Don’t threaten me with a gentle tease
Don’t threaten me with angry
Please, please, please
Don’t try to tell me what I am
Don’t talk to me
(Talk to me)
Don’t talk to me

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