People sufferin’

Cantante: Lull

Have you seen those people sufferin’ all the time

Stars are dying everyday
Swept away by the dark misfortune
We are passive actors of a relentlessness

Flesh full of hatred
Hands covered with violence
Neither the rabbi nor the muezzin
Can calm hells burning fire

Have you seen those people sufferin’ all the time

But still their prayer is the same
When the last echoes of the hart refuses this bloody chaos

The east wind blows a red dust
While obstinate people are fighting in the name of God

Stars are dying everyday
Swept away by the dark misfortune
When to the world it seems hopeless to spare the innocents

I’m sufferin’ all the time

Non so nulla di questa canzone, chi la canti. L’avevo sentita per la prima volta durante il trasloco del vecchio ospedale al nuovo Sant’anna. People sufferin’, certo che la gente soffre, specialmente in un ospedale. Canzone fastidiosa, spigolosa, poco musicale. Te la fa sentire proprio tutta la sofferenza. Da sentire una volta e poi lasciarla sedimentare per i prossimi 100 anni.